in GOSEEVISITWATCH | 16 Nov 2017

Winter Dating in Amsterdam

Outside it’s cold. The couch is warm. Netflix is chill. Candles. Blanket. We get it. We like to snuggle up during fall and winter too. But here’s a secret; unlike bears or groundhogs, we don’t have to stay inside to survive! Let us celebrate this fact by treating ourselves to (a trip to) the charming city of Amsterdam, blossoming just as much this time of the year as any other. There’s cool stuff going on out there, here's proof.

Sinterklaas intocht

Probably the most heartwarming of them all, you won’t even notice the weather. Children (ever so well behaved, they don’t want to miss out on presents later) will cheer, Sinterklaas-songs will be sung, ‘strooigoed’ will be thrown in the air and hundreds of boats will fill the Amstel. This century-old tradition is one you’ve got to experience at least once in your life. If you do not wish to participate in open air, this is an excellent excuse to invite loved ones over for some hot chocolate, with perhaps our chaga mushroom, perhaps something stronger, and watch the official parade live on tv. It’s quite literally one for the books.

When: November 19th 

More info here. 


IDFA: International Documentary Festival Amsterdam

The eternal possibilities of shifting perspectives. No other film festival attracts a selection of high-quality documentaries and an audience of fans and professionals the way the IDFA does. It is the biggest film festival in the world. Whether you are looking for a laugh, or want to be moved, educated, shocked or inspired, there’s a selection of hundreds to take your pick from. Something for everyone.

When: November 15th to November 26th

More info here.


Amsterdam Light Festival

Every year during this time, expect to find brightly lit art pieces on canals and corners all throughout the city. You can join a tour or investigate yourself, and go either by foot, bike or (our favourite) inside a nicely heated boat.

When: November 30th to January 1st

More info here. 


The National Ballet: The Sleeping Beauty

The grace of ballerinas gliding over a stage always leaves us in awe. When this was played for the first time in Russia, back in 1598, critics found it was not a ballet, but a fairytale. Filled with such emotion, Tsjaikovski’s music belonged, according to them, in a concert-hall, being so symphonic. The people in the audience, however, were lyrical. They still are, and naturally over the years critics caught up to join them in their praise. Sounds like just the kind of splendor we’re looking for to lift us over the dark winter days.

When: December 9th to January 1st

More info here. 

Ice skating

Every winter, the seasoned Dutchman will hope, wish, beg, plead for it to freeze hard enough so we can skate on natural waters. The canals magically transform into the most beautiful ice-skating rink in the world. It hasn’t happened for a while, and even though we are not losing hope, there is also the famed rink in front of the Rijksmuseum. Just around the corner of our Willemsparkweg store, come in for some soup to warm you up after?

When: November 18th to February 4th

More info here. 


Pure Winter Markt

A conscious christmas market. Nothing hits you with the holiday spirit like strolling through the many cozy stalls, full of healthy food, organic goods and sustainable gifts, straight from the proud producers themselves. 

When: December 10th (Amstelpark) and 17th (Park Frankendael)

More info here.



A fairytale flavored dinner-show. At the atmospheric Zuiderkerk, you'll sit at an 120 meter long table on which not only your food will be served,  but also acts from acrobats, actors and musicians. Even the chefs and waitresses climb up there, and you will too, ending the night with a quiet bang of silent disco. An international christmas experience that focuses on a feeling of community, a love for culture and artistic visions. 

When: December 21st to December 30th

More info here.