in | 16 Sep 2017

Keep that summer health lingering

Summer signals beach days, swimwear and healthy living. Yet as the weather cools our desire to be healthy can go out the door with the summer sun. Fall and winter do not signal a time of hibernation and letting it all go. You are no bear kiddo. Here's how to get back into routine after summer holidays and keep that healthy living rolling all year long. 

1. Exercise

Set aside time for exercising. Plan your week in advance and schedule in those gym, Rocycle or yoga classes. If you leave them until the moment, chances are you'll skip them. Tell yourself you'll do them in advance and the probability is much higher you will. The power of the mind! Whatever your workout of choice, put on some inspiring music and get that body moving. Finish work early? Warm up on chilli evenings with a run or brisk walk through the park. Try insert more movement into your life on the regular.

2. Food

The idea may seem weird, but healthy eating is most easily achieved when you pre plan it. Chill on a Sunday and scour new recipes, Instagram pages and food inspiration and see what makes you drool a little. Brainstorm healthy and creative ways to combine ingredients for recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner for that week. Do a grocery shop at the start of the week and buy everything you need, it'll save you time, money and stress. Delicious meals for days, dreamy!

3. Sleep

Getting into a sleep routine will do wonders for your energy levels and mood throughout the day. Try go to bed a similar time each day and wake up a similar time each morning, Most smart phones have inbuilt capabilities to remind you when it's bed time and when it's time to wake up. Or simply do it the old fashioned way. Before long you'll find your awake naturally before your alarm and much more cheerfully too. Read our guide to a good night's sleep here.

4. Detox

Do a short detox to reset your system. For the very best results we recommend our 3 or 5 day cleanse (read all about why here!) You could also try eating whole unprocessed foods for a few days. Cut the alcohol. Eat just veggies, fruits, nuts and grains and give your body a chance to rebalance. It'll change the palate for what your crave too meaning you'll enjoy healthier foods for longer. The cooler seasons don't have to be a time of only heavy unhealthy meals.

5. Plan

Plan your days and plan your weeks. Prioritise crucial tasks to reduce stress and feeling overwhelmed. Make sure you schedule in fun things to do as well though. Book in a fall weekend away with some friends. Plan a winter escape to a country you've never visited before. The very process of having structure and things to look forward to will enable you to feel more balanced. Something visual like a wall planner, calendar or black board can be a great effective way to plan.


Bookmark this page and re-read it on a Sunday. From the comfort of your own couch lazily mull of food, workout and health goals for the week. Then resume Sunday lazing, that is part of all a very crucial part of your week's routine.