in | 22 Mar 2018

The Realness of Star Signs: Why Are We So Obsessed?

Astrology is based upon the theory that the exact sky you were born under, the position and movements of its components (stars, planets, Sun, Moon), form you as person and affect the way you live your life. It could be a stamp, a red thread, that lately has become more and more popular in health-and-wellness-wonderland, or to any one who is trying to lead a conscious life. Not just horoscopes, but retrogrades, particular zodiac energies, the way signs relate to each other, less and less leaves to be undiscussed, and it almost seems like part of common knowledge. It can be taken as far as a form of personality analysis, inducing a sense of self, purpose, and understanding. It gives us direction. But how does that work?

The believers.

When you consider gravitational pulls and electromagnetic fields oscillating from the sky, it is likely to assume these will have an impact on us. The Moon rules the tides of the ocean, after all, and profound prophecies are made based on astrology, in correlation with earthly events and natural disasters like tornadoes, eruptions, fires, droughts. Especially if you believe in the interconnectedness of all that is, if you will, if you believe in oneness of the universe, or as they say in feng shui, that 'things affect things', it is hard to believe that the frequencies of such magnificent forces have absolutely no effect on us. Some of the most powerful and influential figures in history have used astrology, including presidents, CEOs, billionaires, and not just witches and hippies. 

If you're into it, here is a website where you can fill in all your birth details and get a free and complete horoscope. See what it does and if it resonates with you.


The skeptics. 

But then the doubts arise. Why do we choose the moment of birth as a reference point, and not that of conception? Why is earth, the nearest planet, left out of the equation, its energy seemingly having no impact on us? How likely is it that 1/12th of the world's population will have the same kind of day according to their horoscope? These are all good questions with, as there is no factual science behind astrology, no objective answers. The fact that there, in spite of the grey areas, are so many happy customers can be explained with a few theories:

-Post hoc fallacy: correlation does not prove causality - just because events happen in some chronological order does not mean they had anything to do with each other.

- Forrer-effect: Psycologist Bertram Forrer once gave his students all the exact same evaluation for a personality test while ignoring their real answers. The test has been repeated hundreds of times, and is always reported about 86% accurate. 

You have a need for other people to like and admire you, and yet you tend to be critical of yourself. While you have some personality weaknesses you are generally able to compensate for them. You have considerable unused capacity that you have not turned to your advantage. Disciplined and self-controlled on the outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure on the inside. At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing. You prefer a certain amount of change and variety and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations. You also pride yourself as an independent thinker; and do not accept others' statements without satisfactory proof. But you have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others. At times you are extroverted, affable, and sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary, and reserved. Some of your aspirations tend to be rather unrealistic.

- Selective thinking: subconsciously we notice and to look for what confirms our belief, and ignore or undervalue the relevance of what it contradicts.



It is certain we can gain useful knowledge and understanding through astrology. Good astrologers give great advise. The question is is that being transmitted from the stars through them, or just coming from them personally. The scientific proof that astrology is real is lacking, and non-believers do have a few fair points, but at the same time, people once believed the earth was flat, and any one who said differently was considered a liar. Crazier things have happened here, science is catching up with spirituality more and more these days.


We are not here to play the blame game. No intention to kill any ones vibe. I could drop the word placebo here, but rather I like to see it as the power of the mind, positive thinking, the law of attraction. I personally believe, and science somewhat backs me up on this (mind over matter has been proven to be real in terms of physical healing), that if you are doing something from a confidence, belief or faith that it is the right thing to do, positive things will come out of it. It may be an energy attracting people or events. It may be a bias because you will recognize this rise of those events more strongly. Either way, does it matter if it helps us stick to the right track?


If the skies help you gain assurance, than why not. If you don't need that because you can or want to access this confidence within yourself, than good for you. You keep doing you, and as long as you hold yourself accountable for who you are and what you do, I don't see there's anything wrong with listening to a translation of messages from the stars.