Most of us think of Amsterdam as a pretty green city. And while it does boast tons of parks, and the ubiquity of cyclists speaks to our environmentally friendly nature, we all know what we really mean when we say green. Yes, that green life.
Though some turn to marijuana (medical or otherwise) for its medicinal properties, there is a new kid on the block in terms of health benefits, CBD oil. CBD, or Cannabidiol, is the major non-psychoactive component of the marijuana plant Cannabis sativa. CBD can also be derived from the hemp plant, but the more effective version is derived from Cannabis sativa. And, while it is the new darling of the health world, people have been using CBD for thousands of years in natural healing to address a whole host of issues from swelling to inflammation to pain.
As you might have noticed from reading so far, CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it isn’t going to give you that euphoric feeling, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t a powerful addition to your health regimen. In fact, because it has the healing properties associated with the marijuana plant without the THC, you can indulge in a few drops under your tongue – or in your smoothie! – in your every day life, and still be fully functional. Now how bad could that be?
We’ve all heard about the gold rush, but what we’re experiencing now just might be the green rush. So to honor this miracle oil, we’re introducing a new smoothie this month: Cannabis in a Cup. With banana, coconut meat, kale, papaya and coconut water, plus a little cinnamon and date for a hit of sweetness, the CBD oil shines. We think this just might be your new favorite way to fuel.
Want to know a little more about the benefits of this basically magical oil? Well, keep reading. We’ve got you covered!
Keep calm and carry on. CBD is basically your own personal chill pill. Regular consumption is shown to reduce stress and anxiety, helping you to feel a bit calmer, a bit more centered.
Pain, pain go away. If it’s calming properties weren’t enough to spark your interest, then surely its abilities to reduce chronic pain and inflammation will. It has shown promising results in pain reduction in even the most serious cases of MS, arthritis and cancer.
Catch some Zzzs. Do you find yourself constantly waking in the night? Or, even worse, do you struggle to fall asleep? Incorporate a bit of CBD oil into your daily routine, and you will notice a marked difference in your sleep habits.
Clear the way for clear skin. There is nothing that improves your confidence more than having good skin, right? Well, it turns out that CBD can also be effective in clearing both acne and psoriasis. CBD decreases lipid synthesis, has an anti-inflammatory effect on sebaceous glands and reduces the growth of keratinocyte skin cells. Sounds complicated, we know. But, what does it mean for you? Glowing skin!
Be a fighter. Hey, we’re all about love here, but do you know what we love most? CBD’s ability to fight cancer, auto-immunity, neurodegenerative diseases and even the symptoms of schizophrenia.