This week at TCPJ we decided to become MythBusters. After noticing the same questions time and time again, we figured it was about time we investigate your queries and debunk all of these health myths. One of the more frequent questions we get is about whether or not cold-pressed juices lack fibre and whether that’s a bad thing. And today, we’re here to answer that burning question.


Although drinking cold-pressed juice is probably the fastest and most effective way to absorb all of those beautiful immune-boosting vitamins and nutrients that naturally exist in fruit and vegetables, the process of cold-pressed juicing does indeed remove most of the insoluble fibre. Before you start to panic, remember that there is insoluble and soluble fibre, and the soluble fibre stays to hang out with all the other good stuff you ingest when you drink a juice. In fact, removing the insoluble fibre actually makes it far easier for your body to get those nutrients it needs, allowing you to reap all the fantastic benefits fresh, natural produce has to offer. So by drinking cold pressed juice you will gain more and the most vitamins, minerals and nutrients possible!


Wondering what the difference is between soluble and insoluble fibre? We were too. So let us break it down for you. Fibre is the part of a plant that moves through the digestive system and is split into soluble and insoluble, both of which help increase bulk, soften stool and speed up food’s movement through the intestines. You can find both types of fibre in lovely whole plant foods like grains, fruit, legumes and veggies.


Soluble fibre – pectin is an example – actually partially dissolves in water and transforms into a gel that is not digested. It absorbs digestive bile, made from cholesterol, and gets rid of it for good, which helps to lower bad cholesterol in the body. Additionally, this nutritional powerhouse encourages slower sugar absorption, which can regulate blood sugar levels, stabilizing hunger pangs and controlling diabetes. Insoluble fibre, on the other hand, also happens to be indigestible, but it won’t dissolve in water. Rather, it works as a bulking agent to aid in regular, comfortable bowel movements. When it’s not keeping things moving smoothly, it also helps the intestines maintain a balanced pH by removing toxins that accumulate in your colon.


All that being said, insoluble fibre’s ability to trigger peristalsis (the motion that urges dense material through the digestive tract) is not actually necessary when you drink juice. Why? When you drink cold-pressed juice, there is very minimal digestion required, so you are unlikely to need the helping hand from insoluble fibre.


So, the moral of the (fibre) story is that so long as you are supplementing your fresh, delicious cold-pressed juices with whole foods on a regular basis – occasional juice fasts are still great because removing most fibre from your diet every once in a while allows you to detox and get the quickest hit of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals – there is absolutely no harm done from missing out on the insoluble fibre in the juices. Don’t let the naysayers deter you! A juice (or two!) a day will keep your system running smoothly, keep your colon clean and give you an unbeatable dose of vitamins and nutrients.