in | 23 Aug 2018



It’s almost September. Wait, what?! It feels like just yesterday that the days were stretching out with no end in sight and the warm weather called for nothing but lazy days and refreshing smoothies. But, as The Byrds said, to everything there is a season, and we are finally heading out of summer and toward the season of crisp days and lovely light.


One of our favourite things about this time of year is the whole ‘back-to-school’ vibe. Even if you’re not hitting the classroom this fall, it still feels like the perfect time to check in with yourself and for a bit of renewal. Look at it like a New Year’s redo. If you didn’t stick to those resolutions you set at the beginning of the year, now is the perfect time to tackle them or set new goals. The autumn is the perfect time to set healthy habits, getting back on track after summer and setting up good habits to take you through winter and the holiday season.


1. Celebrate the season. While heading towards fall, we all start to lament the loss of glossy summer tomatoes and ripe, juicy cherries, but there’s no need for that. The slow return crisp, autumnal weather brings with it its own beautiful bounty. Fill up on pumpkins, turnips, sweet potatoes, apples, pears and figs. Add The Bedrock into your weekly routine for an instant hit of nutrients or swap your evening burger for our Pumpkin & Sage Soup.


2. Keep tasting the rainbow. The warmer months are an easy time to ensure you eat your colours, but don’t let that fall by the wayside come fall. Seek out the lovely colours of autumn like deep, dark greens, burnished yellows and brilliant oranges. Sipping on The MOAJ will help fill you up and keep you from overindulging in cool weather temptations.


3. Stay moving. This tip applies to all seasons. Keeping up a regular movement practice will ensure you flood your body with endorphins and get your juices flowing. If the cold temperatures are usually a deterrent for you, head indoors for a killer workout at Rocycle or Saints & Stars.


4. Give yourself a boost. A boost to your immune system, that is. As the temperatures drop, many of us fall victim to the flu or a cold, but luckily this is easily preventable. Drink plenty of water, eat raw foods like The Mexican Burrito Salad and try to include lots of garlic, reishi mushrooms, zinc, propolis and Manuka honey in your diet. Tip #3 will also help, as exercise also works to boost the immune system.


5. Align your habits with the season. Each time of year requires different things from your body. As you might have noticed, days are shorter and evenings longer, so allow yourself to live with the season. You’ll likely need some more rest, so sleep! There’s nothing to better to keep you healthier than a good night’s rest. Or, head to Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver ('zuiver' means 'pure' in Dutch) for a dip in the thermal baths and an evening of relaxation.


6. Detox detox detox. Summer is often a time people live a lighter, but it can also be a time to let good habits slide a bit. That doesn’t mean that you can’t get back on track. In order to start the fall with a clean slate, it’s helpful to detoxify a bit. Try one of our cleanses – we recommend a Hard Cleanse – and spend an hour or two at an infrared sauna to push those toxins out. Find more info here.