in EAT | 06 Jul 2016




Spirulina. A rediscovered superfood that has been popping up everywhere. At your favourite health food cafes, at your local supermarket, you’ve probably even been asked if you’d like to add it to your smoothies during your visit to one of our store but what is Spirulina really? Pond scum. Yes. Pond scum. Spirulina is the green algae that floats at the top of a pond (after it has been made safe for consumption).


In spite of it being essentially pond scum, the benefits of Spirulina are amazing. One tablespoon contains 4 grams of protein! 4 grams! In fact 100 grams of Spirulina contains 57 grams of protein compared to 100 grams of beef which only contains 26 grams of protein. Let’s say it again for the meat-eaters in the back who believe that meat is the only source of protein; 100 grams of Spirulina contains 57 grams of protein compared to 100 grams of beef which only contains 26 grams of protein.  As we learned in our last blog post on plant-based protein, protein is essential for tissue growth and repair. It even activates metabolism and produces enzymes that help you digest your food and it’s clear to see that Spirulina is an excellent source of protein.


Spirulina is also chocked full of anti-oxidants which are molecules that inhibit cell damage caused by oxidation. Spirulina contains vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, iron, and Magnesium and is a great detoxifier due to its high levels of chlorophyll and its ability to remove toxins and improve digestive health. It also helps fight allergies due to its ability to stop the release of histamines, a natural substance produced by the body during times of allergy and stress.


Another benefit of spirulina is its ability to boost immunity due to the phycocyanin it contains, which boosts the number of white blood cells in the body and white blood cells protect your body from bad bacteria and other icky things that make you sick. Phycocyanin also provides protection against inflammation and oxidisation. Spirulina also helps with weight loss as it’s high protein content makes you feel fuller, longer. It’s also high in fiber.


Because the benefits of spirulina are endless, in 1993, The World Health Organisation considered it “a very suitable food” and a sustainable approach to fighting malnutrition due to it’s affordability, availability, and it’s rich nutritious value.


So the next time you come into one of our stores, grab a “Pret-A-Protein” or order a Mange Green Protein Smoothie or you can also always ask us to put spirulina in your smoothie! Your body will thank you.