in | 19 Apr 2018

Here's The Remedy For All - They Don't Call Us Your Natural Pharmacy for Nothing


Every one goes through life with little maladies, big or small. Everyone has them, but not everyone turns to nature first to cure them. As you might now, we believe hard in our mission: you are what you eat. It might be your starting point, or on the contrary, your last resource, but however you want to consult Mama Nature, hardly anyone is immune to her healing powers. Here come our natural cures. 


A hangover physically is a combination of dehydration and inflammation. You want to hydrate and soothe your body here. Our Fresh Coconut water, we said it before, we will say it ten times more, is your go-to. It provides all the electrolytes, phosphor and hydration your body is so thirsty for in this state. The Astronaut Fuel Juice is partially coconut water, partially lovely pineapple, lime and the magic of Blue Majik. Apart from those, really any green juice will help you get you back on your feet, and if you are feeling nauseous, the Ginger Shot will help your stomach into the right direction (even though having another shot might be the last thing on your mind right now - this one is on your side).


Greens, greens, greens. The hardest hitting ones in this spectrum are The Fix Juice and The MOAJ juice. We want to find all the anti-oxidants, as much as possible. You want to stock up on Vitamin Cs also, so for that try the Reset Juice and the Bedrock.


Algae are a great energizer. They are rich in all the B vitamins, and all the electrolytes and other minerals you need, including zinc and magnesium. The E3live Shot is your main here, but anything with spirulina works too. Apart from that, we are not afraid to be kicked by a little caffein with a hint of (sugar-free) sweetness. Our Matcha Latte or Matcha Boost Ball houses all of that plus extra antioxidants from the green tea leaf powder, plus energizing maca powder. Cacao covers those for you too, so try A Power Ball (extra kick from the chili), or some of our raw vegan chocolates or our popular smoothie The Sh*t. 


- Pre: working out on a full stomach not too pleasant, but if you have enough hours for it to digest, carbing up before your workout will leave you with enough energy to fire through whatever you have planned. We recommend the PB & Salted Caramel Oats for breakfastor the Kabocha, Butternut Squash and Quinoa Soup for lunch. For energy and endurance right before (or during) your workout, we recommend The Iron Man Juice.

- Post: for a quick recovery, stock up on protein. The Mango Green Protein Smoothie and Pret-a-Protein Juice house some solid plant-based protein because of the spirulina. Other products that are great post work out fuels are The Sh*t Smoothie.


Soreness is really muscular growing-pains, kind of. Little bits of muscular tissue are teared and need some anti-inflammation. The Ginger Shot and the Turmeric shot are great against inflammation. Apart from those, we turn to our antioxidants again. Berries are a good help, try the Cup of Youth Smoothie or The Berry Beauty Bowl. Nuts are a good help too, as they are all rich in healthy fats, along with protein, fiber, and usually low amounts of inflammatory compounds. Try the Strawberry Lemon Chia Pudding.