in VISIT | 13 Feb 2017

Ballet for my Valentine


Looking for that extra special Valentine's day gift to set you apart? Something that's romantic, a little different and sure to evoke swoonery? Ballet. Sure to win a place in her heart. He may even enjoy it too. Nothing like a man running about in skimpy apparel to make you feel oh so masculine.

Back in the day, ballet and the opera house were the ultimate date. It was where you went to court and be courted. To be seen. High society frolicked about in their Sunday best.

Fast forward, and ballet is still a classic for special occasions. Dress up, and soak up the romantic elegance of this timeless ritual.

We asked Stephanie van Rappard from the Young Patrons Circle for her take on the dance of love.

What do you love about ballet? Ballet and opera is the perfect escape from your everyday life. A moment in time inspired by love and dreams.

How is ballet romantic? Ballet often explores the theme of love through classic and innovative choreography, highlighted by the passion between dancers.

What would be the perfect romantic night out in Amsterdam? A ticket to a ballet is both an original and romantic night out. Stroll the canals hand in hand. Have a drink at the lovely romantic Waldorf Astoria Hotel before or after the performance, it's just around the corner from Dutch National Opera & Ballet.

What’s in it for the man? Men love ballet. In particular modern ballet which is very graphic and inspiring.

What would you recommend? Dutch National Opera & Ballet has three wonderful performances out around Valentine's Day. Prince Igor on the 13th of February (coproduction with the MET Opera) Scenic Route by Nederlands Dans Theater on the 15th of February and Made in Amsterdam by Dutch National Ballet on the 18th of February.

More info on these dramatic, heartfelt and inspiring ballets can be found here. Tickets start at as little as €15.

For those on a shoe-string, head along to the free lunch time show at Dutch National Opera & Ballet. Doors open 12.15pm, and the show runs from 12.30-13.00.

In collaboration with Dutch National Opera & Ballet, this Valentine's Day the Obrechtkerk is hosting a benefit concert to support refugees. €30 will get you a world class orchestra and singers, a buffet dinner, and the knowledge that the proceeds will go to Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland.

Take that special someone, and they'll love you forever. Show them the sensitive cultured individual you really are.