in | 27 Feb 2020

A weight off your shoulders

We’re now a few months out from New Year’s, which means we’re also a few months out from all those resolutions we made on January 1st. We’re looking good, we’re feeling great and we are so proud of all that we have accomplished. Many of us vowed to shed those holiday pounds and get in to shape, and we’re all doing an excellent job of working toward our goals.


But now that you’ve had a little time to get settled into that resolution, you’ve probably started to notice at least a little change. You may have gone one notch tighter on your belt, you may feel like you’ve got tons more energy or you may finally feel that endorphin rush that everyone was always talking about. Whatever you’re feeling, go you!


This feels wonderful, right? To accomplish something you set out to do. But the question now arises: what happens when you’ve reached your goal?


Studies have shown that over half of weight lost is regained within two years and about 80% is regained within five. You’re probably wondering why you’d put in all this effort if it’s seemingly all for nothing, and we don’t blame you. But luckily, you can take your destiny into your own hands and take a few simple steps to help you maintain whatever weight feels healthiest for you.


The absolute most important thing you can do to help maintain a healthy weight is to take the time to figure out what a healthy diet looks like for you and how you can keep up with it over time. Big shocker, right? But we promise it’s much easier than you think, plus it’s all very individual, so you don’t necessarily need to stick to a strict, punishing diet.


Do a little experimenting or consult with a nutritionist. Once you find what works for you – and trust us, you’ll know it when you feel it – stick to it. You also need to ensure you like what you eat because if you’re not enjoying your food, you’ll never maintain a healthy weight.


 So how do you keep on track for this new healthy-for-you diet? Track it. Creating a loose plan for how much you plan to eat in a day and what you’re going to eat will help you avoid overeating or indulging in something you hadn’t planned. It doesn’t need to be incredibly rigid, but it is important to have a framework that will guide you through every day with ease. Studies have shown that using food-monitoring apps helps increase chances of keeping weight off, so really, what do you have to lose!


And, last but very much not least, is having a positive mind-set and being kind to yourself. With the right attitude and a dose of optimism, you really can do anything. Studies have shown that staying optimistic even if some weight is regained is key to getting back on track. No beating yourself up. No chastising yourself. Allow yourself to falter a bit, as you are human, after all. Be as gentle with yourself as you would with a friend.


Armed with all of these strategies, we are sure you’re going to be the healthiest, happiest version of yourself. And if you have any more questions, stop by one of our locations and chat with us! We can help give you good advice and great encouragement because at the end of the day, we’re all in this together.